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Gradients of addiction to technology | Shashwat Sarawagi | TEDxYouth@SISmumbai

Diving into an introspective journey of the speaker's accumulating “addiction” to AI, devices, media ...View More

Redefining Normal | Diya Jhawar | TEDxYouth@SISmumbai

The speaker bravely reveals her ongoing struggle with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), shedding lig ...View More

Breaking Silence: From Apathy to Awareness | Niloy Meharchandani | TEDxYouth@SISmumbai

Niloy Meharchandani, a high school student with a unique blend of Indian heritage and Polish experie ...View More

Communication vs Talking | Nilashis Coomar | TEDxYouth@SISmumbai

Mr. Nilashis Coomar, a tech visionary and the current director of Cisco India, utilized the TEDx You ...View More

Journey from belief to believe | Lavanya Manikkan | TEDxYouth@SISmumbai

In her captivating address, the speaker masterfully weaves an extended metaphor, portraying spiritua ...View More

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